Job search made easy

The process of finding a job is complicated and time-consuming. Hundreds of tools, a lot of copy-pasting. We have designed a unique process to allow anyone get a job faster with minimum effort

We get to know you

Our brief, one-time questionnaire provides us with insight into what you’re looking for.

We find jobs for you

Our AI identifies the top job opportunities on the market that are best suited for you.

We apply for you

We send out job applications on your behalf, while you watch the interview requests roll in.

Manually applying for jobs is tedious and time consuming

Our AI-powered tool solves this by combing through millions of jobs daily to uncover the most exciting job opportunities — and automatically applying on your behalf.

Create account now

How AutoApply works

  • Create your profile and upload your resume
  • Select your desired job titles, locations and many other optional settings
  • AutoApply will search for jobs and either apply on your behalf or give you total control of your applications

Multiple Pricing Options

We've prepared pricing plans for all budgets so you can get started right away.

1 Month Plan

RWF 5,000
For 30 Days

  • Unlimited job search and automated application submissions
  • Automated Application for 1 Months
2 Months Plan

For 2 months

  • Unlimited job search and automated application submissions
  • Automated Application for 2 Months

Best Value

3 Months Plan

For 3 months

  • Unlimited job search and automated application submissions
  • Automated Application for 3 Months

Contact Information